Monday 22 October 2018

Screening for breast cancer may not reduce mortality

As per a study on the breast cancer, fewer women die due to breast cancer and there is a surprising decline in the age groups that neither is nor screened for this deadly disease. The report also states that there is no beneficial effect of breast cancer screening. An expert from the report also says with better treatment, the benefit of screening has declined. The study also says that women with breast cancer live longer if they are pre-screened. This is because the patients of breast cancer actually live longer due to better drugs and more effective chemotherapy.

The important result of the research is that the screening of the breast cancer does not have high benefits, and the positive results are achieved due to the quick and effective treatment and solution for this cancer. Some of the breast cancer cells are so tiny and grow at a low pace that increases the life of a patient. Moreover, the benefits of screening also depend on an individual case and should be referred to the best hospital for initial treatment.

Moreover, the healthcare system provides better treatment that increases the overall lifespan of a patient. We all know that pre-diagnosis of cancer make the life difficult and costly to live. The research also reflects that issue of over diagnosis in western countries where patients are more prone to this approach and look for preventing cancer at an early age. As per experts, it is better to early diagnose the problem with his or her hands, then the effect would be greater. Patients will also get rid of costly diagnosis problem and can go for a regular interval of diagnosis.

Thus, if you think that you can be facing any symptoms of breast cancer, it is best to visit Dr Max Mongelli for the best diagnosis. The diagnosis of breast cancer by hand is known as palpation and is done on a regular interval of time. This is the best way to avoid much of the overdiagnosis of the breast cancer. Breast cancer is increasing in number in women and this problem should be detected early to start the treatment that can be effective and affordable. It is necessary you approach the best cancer hospital in your area and get the best treatment rather than depending only on the pre-screening. If you are in India, visit the expert in Max Mongelli and get the best treatment.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Top effective skin care tips necessary to follow during the pregnancy

During pregnancy, women skin undergo different changes. Some women experience an amazing glow in their skin and some face skin pigmentation problem. Do you know why this happens only during pregnancy? This is mainly due to the pregnancy hormones. Therefore, the only way to care for your skin and maintain the good skin health is to just re-evaluate the routine of your skincare. For the best skin care, you can contact Dr Max Mongelli. Moreover, you can follow a few amazing tips that will definitely keep the skin healthy and glowing. 

Get adequate 8-10 hours sleep:
Pregnant ladies need extra relaxation and rest, unlike normal women. It is good to take rest even in the daytime and during the night. Average sleep of 8-10 hours a day gives enough energy and prevents dark circle.

Drink plenty of water and take a balanced diet:
Water best removes the toxins from the body. It also balances the amount of amniotic fluid in the body and ensures good health for the baby. Make sure you follow the right diet chart. Doctors at Max Mongelli will advise of the right diet according to the skin tone. 

Protects skin from direct sun exposure: During pregnancy use quality sunscreens. You can ask the doctor to suggest an effective one as per your skin type and sensitivity. For this, look for the best dermatologist. 

Shop for high-quality herbal skin care products: For a pregnant woman, it is necessary to avoid using harsh chemical skin products. Prefer herbal products of reputed brands as they tend to follow standard safety norms. 

Stay away from stress: Stress is bad during pregnancy. Stay happy and practice calmness to gain peace of mind. 

Remove makeup and moisturize the skin before sleep:
Never leave makeup unwashed when you go for sleep. This will definitely affect the skin. Just clean the skin and moisturize to maintain healthy skin. 

Regular light exercise:
During pregnancy, it is good to take light exercise under the guidance of an expert. A guided exercise routine definitely helps maintain good health and provides glowing skin. 

Stay in a clean environment: During pregnancy, it is best to stay in a clean and healthy environment. Along with this, also clean skin with herbal products and stay away from the harmful environment. 

Just follow these tips and consult Dr Max Mongelli to know more about skin care and the precautions to be taken during pregnancy.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Tips to take care of you and your baby during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and memorable period in a woman’s life. However, it is necessary to know how to take care of both the self and the baby during this time. Never spend too much time sitting at a place and being inactive. This will definitely lower the health and will impact the baby’s health also. This can result in loss of fitness, too much weight gain, increase the risk of gestational diabetes or can lead to general pregnancy pains and aches. 

Even if you have no habit of regular exercise, consult Dr Max Mongelli to know few things that you should follow in your normal life during pregnancy. This will definitely boost the energy level and will improve the mood. Here are a few tips that a pregnant woman should know to take care of baby and self.

Take enough walk and climb the steps:
Walking is best for the health of both the mother and the baby. Climbing stairs is the best way to tone the leg and stomach muscles. 

Do proper light exercise: During the pregnancy period, it is good to have a balanced light exercise. For arm exercise, it is good to pick up shopping bags, bend knees and keep the back straight. Easy and organised exercise for 10-15 minutes three times a week is good. For more details, it is best to visit Max Mongelli and take tips from an experienced doctor. 

Refresh mood with light music: Even if you are involved in housework during pregnancy, it is good to switch on a light music and work. This creates a pleasing environment that has a direct impact on both the mother and the baby. Ensure to plan a regular visit to the Doctor for a health check-up.

Other healthy activities: During the pregnancy, you can enjoy some gardening. This keeps the mind healthy and relaxed. You can enjoy a light dance to favourite music or take a dog for a walk. We all know that exercise is the best way to boost the fitness. This becomes more important when you are pregnant as a mother should take care of the baby’s health also. In addition, it is also best to try pregnancy yoga, indoor cycling, swimming and power walking. Try out the different options to get the best results as per your body type. 

All these tips are well experimented by the experienced doctors. Moreover, for the personalised guidance and support, it is good to visit Dr Max Mongelli and know all about healthy tips as per your pregnancy condition. 

Tuesday 21 August 2018

7 common medical complications during pregnancy

Most of the time pregnancies can be complicated. It is good to know about the serious medical issues that are likely to affect the mothers. Here is a detailed description of the seven most common complexities that can occur during pregnancy. These complexities can be best determined by the physical exams, ultrasounds and lab test.

Premature labor and birth: In this, the pregnant lady starts having regular contractions that open cervix before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature birth occurs when a baby is born before 37 weeks. 

Gestational diabetes: This is common among the 2 to 10 percent of the expected mothers. This can be a serious condition and should be determined quickly. In such a situation, Dr. Max Mongelli closely monitors the sugar level in the blood and controls it with diet. This helps t deliver the healthy babies. On the other hand, poorly controlled Gestational diabetes will lead to serious problems for the baby. 

Miscarriage: This occurs within the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy among the 10 to 20 percent of the pregnant women. When a pregnant lady spot vaginal spotting or bleeding, it is best to consult an expert. 

Preeclampsia: This serious problem affects over 5 percent of the pregnant women. This occurs among women who suffer from high blood pressure and protein in the kidney, liver or urine. Preeclampsia mostly occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy. 

Ectopic pregnancy: Ectopic pregnancy is a situation when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. As per research, one out of 50 pregnancies is ectopic. These complexities occur in the fallopian tube and due to these also known as “Tubal” pregnancies. In this situation, it is best to contact the specialist timely as it can cause internal bleeding and can end the pregnancy. 

Low amniotic fluid: Amniotic fluid protects and supports the development of the baby. In the case of a low amniotic fluid, visit Dr. Max Mongelli for close care as this situation can end the pregnancy. This situation is common among the 4 percent of the pregnant women in the third trimester. 

Placenta previa: When pregnant women suffer from Placenta Previa, this means that the placenta is lying low in the uterus which is next to or covering the cervix. When the level becomes very low, this can end up causing bleeding and other complications. This does not cause a problem during early pregnancy and may force for the early delivery. Thus, regularly visit the doctor during mid-pregnancy for the ultrasound and other checkups. 

Thursday 5 July 2018

Diabetes and Pregnancy - Tips for a Healthy Baby

While some see pregnancy as a beautiful phase it's also a challenging one. This challenge becomes an obstacle when the expecting mother is suffering from diabetes. People have many misconceptions about diabetes and pregnancy. To the world, there are like oil and water, but this is just a taboo, with the right blend of precaution and planning any diabetic women can have a healthy pregnancy. Below you will find some tips for the same-

Control your blood sugar level-
Ask yourself, are you willing to give up all the bad habits for your pregnancy? Habits like smoking, not exercising etc. If yes, then only your efforts will bear fruit. Regular exercise and eating healthy will keep your blood sugar level under control. 

Alternative to oral medication –
Pregnant women with type 2 diabetes are suggested to hold their oral medication regime and switch to some other alternative. There is not much evidence but it's said that diabetes pills are not safe during pregnancy. Something like insulin is clearly a better choice. 

Combating morning sickness-
Morning sickness can be a problem for many. It's more of an issue for diabetic patients who take insulin. It’s a simple thing, if you are taking insulin you need to have something in your body. Its suggested to keep a cracker next to your bed and eat it right after you wake up. This will help control your situation. 
Maintain your blood sugar level-
Let us be clear, you need to maintain your blood sugar level for all 9 months of your pregnancy. So, get used to keeping your blood sugar monitor handy.  Some women even have to test their level every hour or about 10 to 15 times a day, so be prepared for the hassle. 

Get ready for hypoglycemia-
Hypoglycemia is a situation endured by the diabetic patient who takes insulin. This simply refers to the situation when the blood sugar level in your body is too low due to the lack of eating.  In this case, keep some glucose tablets or gel handy. Well, some women might not like the taste, they can keep a 100% pure fruit juice handy for any time they go downhill. 

Follow these tips by Dr. Max Mongelli and your transition to pregnancy will be normal and healthy. 

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Top 5 Pregnancy Problems Pointing to Heart Disease

No doubt that pregnancy definitely hampers a woman's body. During this time, the heart rate increases and blood volume expands. As per the new research, the pregnancy complications may also lead to several heart diseases that may simmer for several years. However, doctors are well aware of this problem and provides complete guidance to pregnant ladies. 

Pregnancy can also be the early stress test for the heart and can even go up to the time of delivery. As per the report, it is cleared that pregnant women with problems often have the high risk of heart disease. So, pregnant women should check with Dr Max Mongelli to get the proper check-up and get out of heart risk if it is involved. Here are five complications  and concerns in pregnant women.

The report from experts also reveals that women who suffer from pre-eclampsia often experience a sudden increase in the blood pressure late during the pregnancy period. These women also have 2 to 3 folds of the risk of dying from heart disease before the age of 60 when compared to the women who are fit and fine. He also says that pre-existing condition also adds a risk of 6-fold for the heart problems in pregnant women. 

Gestational hypertension: During pregnancy, Gestational hypertension is defined as elevated blood pressure. Doctors also say that this problem usually resolves at the end of the pregnancy; however, it may hit back with subsequent pregnancies. 

Placental dysfunction:
Past delivery data reflect that women with placental problems during the pregnancy often double the risk of heart problems and cardiac death. In addition, the risk of heart problem further increases if placental dysfunction also affects the overall growth and development of the baby. 

Low birth weight:
Doctors say that women give birth to the low weight babies also have double the risk of heart attack even without the medical complications. 

Gestational diabetes: There are more chances of pregnant women developing diabetes during this period, and they are higher at risk for different heart diseases. 

If we see check the numbers, they are alarming and such women should always consult the experienced doctors. For this, Dr. Max Mongelli is the perfect option where doctors easily define the heart risk in particular women during pregnancy. They also suggest the best healthy diet, manages stress, exercise and sufficient sleep. It is easy to get the pre-alarm of such health issues in pregnant women and take precautions.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Dr Max Mongelli Important Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Having a baby is one of the most special feelings that any human being can ever experience.  Not only it is a happy moment but also a point  where women need to be extremely careful about their health.  The first thing about a healthy pregnancy is being educated about pregnancy.  Pregnancy is completely a new feeling that cannot be compared to anything else that human beings experience. Therefore, Dr Max Mongelli says that it is important that a couple gets educated together about the different cautious steps to be taken during the 9 months of carrying a baby.

Read on to find out some important pregnancy tips for to be mothers:

* Even when you are trying to conceive it is advisable to start taking prenatal vitamins.  Baby’s neutral cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord later, develops within the first month of pregnancy.  So it is important that you keep the supply of essential nutrients like Folic acid, calcium and iron from the very start.  Prenatal vitamins are available at any drugstore.  You can gulp them down at night or with any light snack.   

* Staying active is one of the most important keys to a healthy pregnancy.  Exercise or walk for at least 15 to 20 minutes every day, even if it is at a normal pace it is extremely important.  Pilates, yoga, swimming class, and walking are also a great activity for pregnant women.  The aim should be a 30-minute exercise for at least 6 days a week.  If you really want to know how this will help, you must check out women reviews who say that their pregnancy was a Cakewalk just because they kept their Lifestyle active even during pregnancy.

* If it is your first child, there are chances that you might not know about immediate action during labour.  For this, Dr Max Mongelli suggests creating a birth plan.  Your birth plan can include questions like who do you want to be present during the delivery,  what are the kind of procedures that you want to completely avoid,  what are the special clothes that you would like to wear,  what is the list of possible complications and finally what kind of position will you prefer for delivery.