Thursday, 24 May 2018

Dr Max Mongelli Important Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Having a baby is one of the most special feelings that any human being can ever experience.  Not only it is a happy moment but also a point  where women need to be extremely careful about their health.  The first thing about a healthy pregnancy is being educated about pregnancy.  Pregnancy is completely a new feeling that cannot be compared to anything else that human beings experience. Therefore, Dr Max Mongelli says that it is important that a couple gets educated together about the different cautious steps to be taken during the 9 months of carrying a baby.

Read on to find out some important pregnancy tips for to be mothers:

* Even when you are trying to conceive it is advisable to start taking prenatal vitamins.  Baby’s neutral cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord later, develops within the first month of pregnancy.  So it is important that you keep the supply of essential nutrients like Folic acid, calcium and iron from the very start.  Prenatal vitamins are available at any drugstore.  You can gulp them down at night or with any light snack.   

* Staying active is one of the most important keys to a healthy pregnancy.  Exercise or walk for at least 15 to 20 minutes every day, even if it is at a normal pace it is extremely important.  Pilates, yoga, swimming class, and walking are also a great activity for pregnant women.  The aim should be a 30-minute exercise for at least 6 days a week.  If you really want to know how this will help, you must check out women reviews who say that their pregnancy was a Cakewalk just because they kept their Lifestyle active even during pregnancy.

* If it is your first child, there are chances that you might not know about immediate action during labour.  For this, Dr Max Mongelli suggests creating a birth plan.  Your birth plan can include questions like who do you want to be present during the delivery,  what are the kind of procedures that you want to completely avoid,  what are the special clothes that you would like to wear,  what is the list of possible complications and finally what kind of position will you prefer for delivery.